
Posts Tagged ‘prose’

Words are a lens to focus one’s mind.

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By now, most of us would have experienced the feeling of being in love.

C’mon, guys, you know the feelings I’m talking about—the fast beating of your heart, sweaty palms, that lasting smile that carries you through the day until you see that person next, the way you notice the little things like subtle facial expressions, particular fragrances, the way the light bounces off hair and eye colour, the softness of lips when pressed to yours, the feeling of fitting together perfectly. That’s the power of love, and the feeling is magical.

For some, love is fresh and alive and happening at this very moment, and for you I say, woo hoo! Yes, celebrate it, savour it and capture it any way you can. Follow your heart. Don’t analyse it, simply go with it.

For others, love may be a distant memory archived away or placed carefully into a time capsule, accessible only when that trigger—photo, song, movie, place, phrase etc.—transports you back and forces you to retrieve and remember those feelings from that time, that place, that person.

Now, writing should have that same affect on you, especially if you love it and love what you do. Do you love writing?

If you love writing, you should have the same feelings towards it. Writing should bring that same enthusiasm and passion to your work. Your words should have that same energy flowing through your prose and narrative, intoxicating your senses so you can think of nothing else but that idea, character, story or manuscript. It should draw you deeper and deeper and consume every part of you, and it should grow on you and mould into you until you feel at one with it. Your words should resonate with your readers, helping them feel all that is you.

If you can do that then you are well on your way to a perfect love affair, where true love exists, where dreams become a reality and fairytale endings are not just imaginary ideas, but where your story has no other conclusion but to end happily ever after.

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